Immortal Episode
Something Good Should Be Given to People First
It happened when Chairman Kim Jong Il made a round of the show room of the Kanggye Knitwear Factory in December, 2001.
The manager of the factory told the Chairman that he wanted to raise the quality of the products for their export to international markets and the import of equipment from a foreign country with developed knitting technology would make it possible to raise the quality of the product to a higher level.
After a while the Chairman said the import of the modern equipment you referred to cannot make it possible to raise the quality of the products, we do build factories and produce goods in order to supply better goods to our people, not compete with the developed countries.
Noting that recently the Party put emphasis on upholding the Korean-nation-first principle, he said it is necessary to produce a lot of things needed for our people and supply them in accordance with the principle and to do so is to embody the Korean-nation-first principle and work faithfully for the sake of the people.
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